Development of
a functional material
Development of
a functional material
Polymorphism in crystals
Polymorphism in crystals
Understanding and Control of Crystal Polymorphism
Many kind of crystals are applicated in our life, and they make our life confortable and wonderful. Our group pays particular attention to the polymorphism of crystals. The polymorphism of crystals means that they have the same chemical composition, but have different crystal structures. A very famous example is the difference between diamond and graphite. Both are substances composed of only carbon, but they have different crystal structures and exhibit completely different properties as materials. There are numerous reports of such polymorphic phenomena, both inorganic and organic. It is important to treat polymorphs properly in all fields such as material development, drug development, food field, and cosmetic field. Also, in crystallization that occurs in the body (biomineralization) , understanding polymorphism is an important point.
We treats two themes related to polymorph control. The first theme is the development of crystal polymorphism control technology for small organic molecules with a view to drug development. Pharmaceutical compounds are crystallized small organic molecules, and there are many polymorphs with different molecular arrangements. The problem is that drug efficiency (bioavailability) deffers greatly depending on the polymorphs, and their manufacturing processes is different. Especially, manufacture metastable phase with 100% pure is difficult. Polymorphism search and assesment to understand how many polymorphisms exist in a drug compound is also an essential process in developing a better drug.
The second theme is research aimed at elucidating the cause of the disease called urolithiasis and aiming to develop new treatments and prevention methods. The stones that are unintentionally formed in the body are mainly solidified crystals of calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate. In the formation process, the phenomena of polymorphic crystallization and polymorphic phase transition are very important. Therefore, we are conducting a study to analyze and visualize the distribution and structure of crystalline polymorphs that exist in urinary stones and unravel how the calculi have grown.
We are collaborating with various research organizations in Japan on these subjects.

Crystallization and observation of small molecule organic materials by specially designed microscope with a femtosecond laser.

Observation of solution-mediated crystal phase transformation of calcium oxalate crystals.

Aspillin (a drug compound) crystals observed by a polarizing microscope (cross nicol).